Land Registry Forms
Form A – Application to Register a Property

a) First Registration 
i. Copy of signed contract
ii. Plan

b) Dealing 
i. Copy of signed contract
ii. Plan/ Declaration

c) Part Dealing
i.  Copy of contract
ii. Plan/Detailed plans

d) Emphyteusis/sub-emphyteusis
i. Copy of contract
ii. Plan/ Declaration

e) Conversion of temporary emphyteusis
i. Copy of contract
ii. Plan/ Declaration

f) Compensation rights
 i. Copy of contract Plan


g) Recission
i. Copy of contract

h) Ratification
i. Copy of contract

i) Constitution of Servitude
i. Copy of contract

j) Partition
i. Copy of contract
Plan/Detailed plans

k) Livery in Seisun
i. Copy of contract
ii. Plan

I) Renunciation

i.  Copy of contract signed or court judgement
ii. Plan/Declaration

m) Correction
Either copy of signed contract or signed declaration by owners
ii. Plan (if application is correcting plan)

n) Withdrawal of Application

o) Transmission
 i. Copy of deed causa mortis or if death prior 25/11/1992
ii. Testamentary searches
iii. Death certificate/Will if died testate, if intestate a list of heirs done by notary
iv. Plan/Declaration

p) Redemption of ground rent
i.  Contract or schedule of deposit 
ii. Plan /Declaration

q) Personal Separation
i. Contract or copy of court degree or court judgement
ii. Plan/Declaration

Form B – Application to Register a Charge on a Registered Title or Unregistered Property

a) Submitting a Charge/Hypothec on a title

i.   Contract signed by notary.
ii. Copy of the note of hypothec (Vol I) presented at the Public Registry

b) Submitting a Charge/Hypothec on an unregistered property requires

i. Contract signed by notary.

ii. Copy of the note of hypothec (Vol I) presented at the Public Registry

iii. Plan (if property is not yet registered or if only part of the property is being registered) 

Form C - Application for A Cancellation, Reduction, Waivers And/Or Postponement of a Registered Charge

a)  Cancellation
i.   Copy of the contract signed by notary.
ii. Copy of the note of reference (Vol R) presented at the Public Registry.

b) Waiver/Reduction

i. Plan is needed.

c)  Postponement
i.   Copy of the contract signed by notary.
ii. Copy of the note of reference (Vol R) presented at the Public Registry.

d) Subrogation 
i.  Copy of the contract signed by notary.
ii. Copy of the note of reference (Vol R) presented at the Public Registry.

Form D - Caution

a) Affidavit

b) Any documents/contract to prove ownership or any other rights.

c) Plan 

Form E is submitted when requesting an official search on a property. The form is presented alongside a site plan. The aim of a Form E is to acquire information on whether a property is within a registration area or not as well as to acquire any information regarding the specific property if it is already registered with the Agency. 

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